Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Day 6 - Chief Nkomba's farm visit

It was a busy day as we had a number of things needed done.  We had to find fuel and ended up driving 80 km round trip to source petrol (luckily we did!).  I taught a lesson using some Scottish techniques (critical skills groupings to 49 learners. Mary taught singing and number fans to a class of 119 under a tree!! 
Chatting with the Chief
village court
We also had an opportunity to visit Chief Nkomba's farm.  Florence, the chief, is an incredibly hard working woman who has a very successful farm holding.  We saw some of her crops including maize, peanuts, honey, guava as well as her pigs, goats and chickens.  Florence's father was in the civil service in the UK so was able to converse very well with us in English. 
On the way out to the farm we stumbled upon a gathering under a tree. It turns out that it was a village meeting where the Group Village Headman met to discuss various crimes that had taken place. These could include adultery, theft and other issues that need figured out. After being heard, the perpetrators are required to pay a fine either in cash or goods.  We were introduced to the Group Village headman (the Chief with responsible for  all the chiefs in the catchment area) and asked to take his photo. Very obliging and a fascinating afternoon!

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