Thursday 7 July 2011

Day 7 - Lesson observations

Some pretty interesting lessons and themes developed while we watched lessons throughout the school.  In one class we watched as one teacher taught 131 pupils within the church building. The teacher began with a mental maths game and then moved on to subtraction.  He demonstrated a subtraction sum with hundred, tens and units with carrying.  In all three sums were done on the board in a rote learning chanting fashion to learn the 'script'.  After that, pupils were given a sum to complete in their notebooks (if they had one) to complete with early finishers holding their jotters up saying 'sir, sir' for them to be marked. 
Some children in front of me were working hard but squirming a bit.  I looked down to see some very industrious ants swarming the poor girl's bottom. I think she was too frightened to move with the visitors in the class but fortunately, the Depute HT got her to move when it was pointed out to him. 

In this class there was a child with mobility issues.  The Depute explained that they were very lucky that the young girl had been given a wheelchair for use.  It was amazing to see her classmates help her to and from the chair (left outside) with such care and consideration. The true spirit of inclusion!

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